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GMP Cleaning, Isolation and Decontamination Systems for the Pharmaceutical Industries.



// March, 2020


The Coronavirus emergency doesn’t stop us, and doesn’t stop our successful collaboration and relationship with you!

Here are some pics of the “Virtual Factory Acceptance Test” we’ve just concluded: using 2 webcams positioned in strategic locations, and connected live to our American client (6 people, based in different offices), we were able to perform a full FAT on our 200 contact part washer.

Live with the client, we checked equipment function and touch screen features, we performed a riboflavin cycle and shared related reports, as well as checking machine safety features.

Doubts and questions were answered in real time; once completed all the tests, we shared the complete set of documentation and all the videos recorded during the FAT; during the recap meeting the client gave final approval and the green light to ship the equipment.

Following this successful experience, we are scheduling other FATs adopting this same technology and method – our ultimate goal is to effectively support you, keeping our relationship fruitful and even closer!

Adapt and overcome – here at IWT, we continue to work with our clients to achieve successful outcomes…. Safely!

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